Greek writers aristophanes and homer each mention hairdressing in their writings. In africa, it was believed in some cultures that a person's spirit occupied his or her hair, giving hairdressers excessive reputation inside these groups. The reputation of hairdressing encouraged many to increase their competencies, hougang mall hair salon and near relationships were built between hairdressers and their clients. Hours would be spent washing, combing, oiling, styling and ornamenting their hair. Guys could work in particular on men, and women on other ladies. Earlier than a master hairdresser died, they would supply their combs and tools to a delegated successor during a special ceremony.
In ancient egypt, hairdressers had particularly decorated instances to maintain their equipment, which includes lotions, scissors and styling substances. Barbers also worked as hairdressers, and rich guys often had private barbers within their domestic. With the same old of wig wearing within the subculture, wigmakers were additionally skilled as hairdressers. In historical rome and greece household slaves and servants took on the function of hairdressers, together with dyeing and shaving. Guys who did not have their very own private hair or shaving offerings might visit the local barbershop. Ladies had their hair maintained and groomed at their houses.